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Journals are an opportunity to reflect on progress and log any issues arrising with the project

Journal 1.

As of last week I have found a mentor and can officially start my project. I am feeling good about the outline for my project as well as my ideas, but now the hard part begins which is making these plans come to life. Right now I have many plans in the works yet I also feel as though nothing is solidified. Because there are so many pieces to my project there is a lot of background planning that needs to be done first. Aside from that, I feel like I have made some great progress towards creating and finalizing my project.

Overall I feel as though my project is off to a great start and I can not wait to continue moving forward with it. Over the coming year I am excited to see how my project progresses and changes. As well as, I look forward to creating a great final project that I can complete. My goal is to firm up my ideas of all the different pieces of my project and finalize all the different piece. Although I do expect The class itself has provided a great base for me to continuing making connections and pursuing Speech Therapy as a topic.

Journal 2.

So far this year I have split my project up into three parts. The first part of my project is learning how to do sign language. This part of the project was really important to me because sign language has always really intrigued me and I think it’s important that everyone has the opportunity to be able to communicate. The second part is working at Roland Green with the speech therapists there. The times I have been over there has been my most exciting part of my research because I get to work hands on with the kids and participate alongside them. And the third part is my work at the high school with my speech therapist. This part of my fieldwork has been lacking a little bit but I’m hoping to do more with the high school in the second part of my project.

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